Hey ppls
Okay, so here's how it is:
I like the Nephilim protector model, and i like the Teraph model
So i was gonna get them for my B-day on the 5th of Feb but now the Teraph has become a Seraph instead, and i figured since i like the amount of irritation blighted striders should be able to dish out plus eLylyth and her feat which gives her army snipe and beasts can make an extra ranged attack, i'd start Legion!
15 points i got mapped
but for things like 25 points i've got in the pipe
Nephilim protector
Unit of Striders (stealth pathfinder, advance deploy low pow bow COR etc)
Musician & standard bearer UA (adds the madness of bushwhack and ability to ignore forests, concealment and cover to an already mobile and anti-infantry centric unit)
Now the thing being i can either get a
forsaken so a shepherd can add fury to a beast for the forsaken to eat (up to 5) to make its AoE bigger (by up to 5") (adds damage die for each fury/focus on the target/s, meaning a caster camping 7 focus/fury will get smacked in the teeth by a POW 8 damage roll with
9 dice to throw about, by a 2 point solo, i don't think it can be boosted because its a special action not a special attack (but its still a damage roll so give or take i reckon, 10 damage die anyone?) but it wouldn't surprise me if it could.
Though this is a rather situational dream scenario of course...
or a
Strider Deathstalker solo, who when he kills an enemy he gets another attack, he's a sniper, he can move 2" when he kills, he confers the ability to move 2" after a kill to other striders in his CMD of 9, and he ignores concealment, cover and forests like the strider UA does etc etc
Or i can remove the Seraph from the list and replace it with a Carnivean, so i then have a high-damage unit and can have both forsaken and deathstalker, but then i'd need to get another warlock (Absylonia mebe) because eLylyth's feat will lose a lot of effectiveness without at least a seraph to get an extra attack from the feat, +4 range on the strider's RNG 12 bow would be pretty cool but still...
Or an Angelius with Absylonia (because a P+S 16 armour piercing charge attack is enough to make almost any model explode in a shower of gore/metal scraps that it makes contact with, this variant would come with a Harrier, for maximum Angelius assassination efficiency
35 points (and this is in the future) i'd have both forsaken and deathstalker, but with the addition of a unit of Incubus solos who can pop out of the striders when they finally get cornered and killed.
But would i add a
Scather to that mix? Is the Scather worth it? The spawning vessel isn't worth it for me because it shouldn't be in combat and it can only get blood tokens from 5" at this time, killing or losing 5 living models within 5" of the vessel for 1 Shredder/harrier isn't worth the risk!
OR dispense with the Teraph and Incubus and actually have a heavy hitter (i.e. the
Carnivean and have a harrier for its true strike animus?)
Decisions ppl!
Oh and ALEX, the shirt thingy is still on the PP website storefront, you can buy 2 MkII shirts and get one free!